OET will be participating the 9th Workshop on Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry (Targeting the Digital Transformation).
Don’t miss out on OET’s exciting presentations on the latest industry updates!

Monday 22 October 2018
Session 3: Energy and Lighting for Automotive, Buildings, Greenhouses
11:30-11:50 Large Area OEs for Energy Production & Lighting in Automotive, Buildings and Greenhouses Dr. E. Pechlivani
OE-Technologies, Greece
Session 4: Upscaling FPEs Manufacturing and 3D Printing
12:50-13:10 Industrial Manufacturing of Flexible & Printed Electronic Devices Mr. E. Mekeridis
OE-Technologies, Greece
Session 5: Intelligent Packaging & Retail
15:30-15:45 Manufacturing Flexible & Printed RFIDs and Sensors for IoP Mr. S. Fachouri
OE-Technologies, Greece


The Workshop will take place on October 22nd 2018, 09.00 am at the Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens.
The Workshop will bring together Top-class Scientists, Engineers, Key Industrial Players, End-Users, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Policy Makers and Representatives from the National and EU Authorities to discuss, network and establish the Strategy and Policy for boosting the Flexible & Printed Electronics Industry and its role in the Digital Transformation of Europe.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Flexible & Printed Electronics Sector and Activities
  • Manufacturing and Processes of Flexible Organic & Printed Electronics
  • Printed Organic Electronics in Factories of the Future
  • Tools for the Digital Transformation of the Industry
  • Applications in Energy and Lighting for Smart Buildings, Automotive, Healthcare, etc.
  • Applications in Sensors, Wearables, Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Applications in Intelligent Packaging
  • Clusters and Associations in Flexible & Printed Electronics Worldwide
  • Flexible & Printed Electronics Entrepreneurial activities
  • Funding & Commercialization Opportunities

Visit the workshop’s website – www.ltfn.gr/9workshop

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Workshop’s Poster: