Project info



“An experimentally-validated multi-scale materials, process and device modeling & design platform
enabling non-expert access to open innovation in the organic and large area electronics industry”

The MUSICODE project addresses the H2020 call DT-NMBP-11-2020 “Open Innovation Platform for Materials
Modelling” and aims to create an integrated materials-process-device modelling platform for the Organic and
Large Area Electronics (OLAE) industry. This platform will integrate: (a) Material, process and device modelling
spanning the micro, meso and macro scales, validated by expert academic and industrial partners. Novel
hierarchical modelling workflows will establish direct links between OLAE processing technology and
material/device performance. (b) An integrated modelling framework with interoperability between different
modules (physics models, solvers, pre- and post-processors) and workflows, based on standardized metadata,
semantics and ontology across scales and physics within the OE domain as well as to other domains, linked to
HPC infrastructures (c) A sustainable dedicated database with standardized material, process and device
properties, modelling parameters, standard & industrially accepted protocols for material modelling and
manufacturing, links to other databases and platforms. (d) An intuitive graphical user interface for workflow
design, model selection and build-up, data analysis, optimization and decision making, with plug-ins to/from
Open Translation Environment, Business Decision Support Systems and the Materials Modelling Market Place.
The MUSICODE platform will be complemented by a credible business plan for its sustainability and
exploitation beyond the duration of the project, with the ambition to start as the central open innovation hub
for the OLAE industry and evolve as the central paradigm for cross-domain applications.

MUSICODE will address the OLAE challenge by joining experts from academia, research and industry to create
an Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling (OIPMM) with the following general Objectives:
1. Novel validated multiscale models and workflows for OLAE materials, materials processing and devices
2. Ontology-based integrated OLAE modeling framework for workflow setup and execution
3. User interface and database for workflow design, decision making, links to marketplace and other OIEs
4. Demonstrated industrial user cases in OPV, OLED and OFET applications
5. Cooperation/coordination with EU stakeholders (EMMC, EMMO, OIEs, HPCs, Industry) for wide acceptance

OET’s role in the project:
 Nano-manufacturing of printed OE devices & Real time characterization & Process Optimization
 Assessment of improvement of manufacturing process in terms of time and resources
 OPV & OLED demonstrators for automotive & prototype validation, Market replication