Project info

Horizon 2020- FOF-08-2017

Funding scheme: Innovation action (IA)

“Smart in-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronics”

Duration (months): 36


(Active project)

Participation of OET

Project Budget: 5.424.875 €

Project Coordinator: Lab for Thin Films – Nanobiomaterials – Nanosystems – Nanometrology (LTFN), AUTh (Prof. Stergios Logothetidis)

The main objectives of the SmartLine proposal are:

  1. Development of robust non-destructive optical and electrical metrology tools and methodologies
  2. Integration of in-line metrology tools in R2R printing and OVPD Pilot to Production Lines
  3. Development of a Unique Platform for the feedback of in-line metrology tools to control the processes
  4. Optimization of manufacturing processes reliability in pilot and production lines and fabrication of tailored OPV and OLEDs and demonstration to industrial applications (e.g. automotive).

The specific roles & contribution of OET in the Smartline project are the following:

  • In-line optical metrology (SE, RS) for R2R and OVPD manufacturing processes
  • Adaptation and Performance validation of Interferometers, Reflectometers & EC tools
  • Development of a software for feedback from the in-line metrology tools to control the processes
  • Development in terms of methodologies & Control routines enabled by in-line metrology to enable cor-rective/predictive actions during the process
  • In-line R2R pulsed laser scribing of OPV & OLED devices
  • Process optimization for OPVs manufacturing by R2R & OVPD Pilot Lines for enhanced reliability and manufacturability
  • Standardization activities
  • Validation of the performance of OPV and OLED devices and assessment for commercial exploitation in Automotive
  • Exploitation & Dissemination of SmartLine activities, Products, Applications, Market Replication activities on in-line automated metrology tools for OEs production lines, IPR Protection
  • Connections with business entities in national, regional, European and global levels for promotion and distribution of in-line automated metrology tools for production lines, based on the established market analysis & commercialization roadmap.