Project info

FP7 NMP.2012.1.4-1 Pilot lines for precision synthesis of nanomaterials

Project ID: 310229

“Development of Smart Machines, Tools and Processes for the Synthesis of Nanomaterials with Tailored Properties for OEs”

Duration (months): 42


(Completed project)

Participation of OET

Project’s Budget: 11.593.843€

Project Coordination: Lab for Thin Films – Nanobiomaterials – Nanosystems – Nanometrology (LTFN), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Smartonics was a Large Scale Integrating R&D Project that had officially launched in 1st January 2013 and finalized on December 31, 2016 funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme. The SMARTONICS project had the ambition to make the European organic electronics and photonics industry more competitive by allowing it to meet future market demands.

The targets of the SMARTONICS Project were the:

Development of smart Nanomaterials for Organic Electronics (polymer & small molecule films, plasmonic nanoparticles and super-barriers) by process and computational modelling optimization.
Development of smart Technologies (r2r printing and Organic Vapour Phase Deposition machines combined with precision sensing & laser tools and processes).
Integration of smart Nanomaterials & Technologies in Pilot lines for precision synthesis of nanomaterials and Organic Electronics devices, optimization, demonstration and evaluation for industrial applications.
OET’s main contribution was the upscaling of full printed OPV devices the evaluation of polymer nanomaterials, R2R processes and optical sensing tools for in-line monitoring of the deposition of OE materials, as also the development of laser processes for large scale production of OPV panels using in line Ink Jet printing and novel encapsulation methods.

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